Meet and find our tutors with ease


Video conferencing with tutors can provide you with the peace of mind to see firsthand how your child is engaging and progressing.


Our booking and payment system makes it easy for you to manage the hours needed, within your budget.  No upfront package fees.

Help at hand

Help is at hand when school years become difficult, especially at a time of disruption for a variety of reasons. Tutoring can help support learning. With Super Tutor, you are able to have some insight into your child’s academic progress and can supplement their studies in whatever way suits your family’s availability and budget.

Peace of mind

With video conferencing, you are able to observe the progress being made between your child and their tutor.

Working With Children Certificate

All tutors are required to have a Working With Children Certificate as a pre requisite to signing up with Super Tutor.


You decide the best fit for your child’s academic needs directly by viewing the tutor profiles. You can make bookings instantly.


Extra curricular, primary, secondary and tertiary education have varying needs and rates. Super Tutor allows you to review available tutors based on their expertise, experience and academic achievements then make bookings directly.
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Complex schedules need lots of options. You can arrange times instantly and directly for your child and their tutor, without waiting for a third party to confirm.
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