Need more information?

Please have a look through our frequently asked questions to discover more about Super Tutor.

How do I find the right tutor?

It is important to have realistic goals and expectations.  Discuss these with your parent or guardian at the outset, then review the profiles of Super Tutors to find the person with the right philosophy, experience and qualification.  Try one lesson and go from there.

How are Super Tutors different from other tutoring companies?

Super Tutors are there to help you with your existing study, not to add another layer of complexity with new teaching techniques.  While additional teaching methods and lessons may help some, Super Tutors are there to help with your current study load.  You connect directly, not through a third party to ensure you get your first best option in tutoring.  Also, we do not charge upfront packages.  Try one lesson and go from there.

What if I don’t like my tutor?

Situations vary from person to person, and student needs vary.  If expectations are unworkable from either party, all parties have the option to find someone else.  There are no long term contracts or minimum booking lessons.

There are other tutors who may fit your academic needs.  

Please consider the reasons you selected the tutor to figure out why you are not getting the desired results.  Discuss your expectations and goals with your parent or guardian, then look for another match.  Tutors choose to tutor because they like to help, so chances are you can find the person who can help you the most.

How do we pay?

Using the SuperTutorApp, by credit card or bank transfer

When are we charged?

The payment is processed on the day of the lesson.

Can we cancel a lesson?

Yes, but please do so 24 hours before the lesson to avoid a 100% cancellation fee.

Can I change a lesson?

Yes, of course.  Our booking system allows for easy changes to be made to accommodate busy schedules.

How are the charges calculated?

Tutor fees are based on academic qualification, experience and teaching  philosophy.

What are the rates?

The rates vary and are listed with the Tutor profile.  

What are the range of tutors and rates?

Primary, secondary and tertiary education all require differing levels of education and experience.  A primary school teacher with years of experience may charge more than a university student who may be completing a PHD. 

What about Video conferencing?

Video conferencing is a great way to assure peace of mind.  You can observe firsthand your child’s progress and positive interaction with their tutor.

How is Payment made?

Your payment details were provided when you registered with Super Tutor.  Payment is made once the lesson is completed through either bank transfer to credit card

Can we cancel a lesson?

Yes, but please do so 24 hours before the lesson to avoid a 100% cancellation fee.

Can I change a lesson?

Yes, of course.  Our booking system allows for easy changes to be made to accommodate busy schedules.

What is an ABN?

An ABN is an Australian Business Name.  Tutors who are trading tutoring services are required to provide an Australian Business Name at the time of your application for registration with Super Tutor.  It is an easy process to sign up for an ABN on line.  You are also required to advise whether you are registered for GST.

What is GST?

GST is a goods and services tax. GST is not payable by businesses not registered for GST. If your business income is less than $75,000 per annum you do not need to register for GST but can register voluntarily. If your business income reaches $75,000 pa you are required to register for and pay 10% GST. Once your business is registered for GST, you must pay GST on all fees collected regardless of whether your business income is below the $75,000 threshold.

Do I have to register for GST?

You do not have to register for GST until you reach a threshold of $75000 per annum in income.  Super Tutor does not provide tax advice.  For further information, contact your accounting or tax agent.

What if I’m already registered for GST?

Please confirm if you are registered for GST on your application to Super Tutor.

Is SuperTutor liable for gst?

Super Tutor is not responsible for the gst payments of any of its tutors.  Super Tutor pays its own gst for the SuperTutorApp.

Why does Super Tutor charge commission?

Our commission fees ensure the smooth running of the Super Tutor App.  We are constantly looking for ways to improve our service, including ways to reduce our fees and charges.  Whenever possible, we pass these savings on to our tutors.

What is the Super Tutor Commission?

Super Tutors charges a 15% commission which covers all transaction fees, bank charges, administration and business costs associated with running the Super Tutor App. 

What happens if a student or parent wants to make a booking outside of Super Tutor App?

Super Tutor cannot be responsible for the payment of bookings made outside of the App.

What happens if any party of tutor, student or parent is unhappy about the tutoring service?

Situations vary from person to person, and student needs vary.  If expectations are unreasonable from any party, all parties have the option to find someone else.